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Come experience the magic of ecstatic dance for yourself!

Friday May 31, Stone Hill Retreat 561 Stone Hill Road, Conestoga, PA, USA (16 minutes south of Lancaster)

Potluck around 5:30, Feel free to arrive anytime after 3:00. Bring a dish to share, a place setting, a chair, or blanket for sitting, and a yoga mat if you would like. 


7:00, Yoga Lily Riddle will warm us up leading the warm-up with a combination of restorative yin yoga, and an energizing vinyasa flow, focusing on opening the heart and the hips. The yoga flow will include a meditative asana, as well as an energizing flow that challenges balance and stamina. Yoga is a moving meditation, just like dance! The target of this practice is to get out of the chatter of the thinking mind and into the present moment and connect with the body. 


8:00 opening circle followed by dancing, movement as your heart leads and the opportunity to take in the sights and sounds of nature and the night. This embodied musical journey, led by our DJ, Deep Earth, will invite you to drop down into yourself and let the music move you as we experience joy, connection, freedom and healing. Whether you're a seasoned dancer or new to the ecstatic dance scene, we welcome everyone to come celebrate life and movement. Move in whatever way feels good to you; dancing solo or with others is equally welcome.


You are invited to pitch a tent (We will have a tent or two available with extra sleep mats if you want to crash, or the option to sleep indoors), and share breakfast in the morning. If there's an interest, we can keep playing music and dance some more.   

about ecstatic dance

Ecstatic Dance is a freeform movement journey—without verbal guidance—to dance in whatever ways feel good to you. It is a safe, supportive space where you can come back into your body, release stress, create conscious connections with others, and freely express yourself.


We dance sober, barefoot, and silently in order to be as present as we can in the experience. It's not all serious, though. It's a space to be your unique self and have fun! Read more about the basic tenets of ecstatic dance below.

basic tenets of ecstatic dance

1. Ecstatic Dance is freeform movement—without verbal guidance—to  dance in whatever ways feel good to you. Dancing solo or with  partners are equally welcome. 


2. Ecstatic Dance is an intentional music journey mixed by a live DJ. Each  dance includes a period of gentle warm-up, peaks of ecstatic intensity,  and resolves into peaceful stillness. The music of Ecstatic Dance is  characterized by the meeting of Conscious Dance with Modern  Electronic Bass Music.


3. Ecstatic Dance is held in an inspiring temple-like space with enough  room for a critical mass of people (50-100++) with premium sound  (including subwoofers to feel the music), an altar space for peaceful  contemplation and puzzle / yoga mats to stretch on. 


4. Ecstatic Dance seeks to build community connection in many ways,  including circling together at the opening, mid dance, and/or closing of  dance. 


5. Ecstatic Dance is held to support a safe, healthy, clear-minded space  (No alcohol or illegal drugs; everyone is expected to move with  awareness & care & respect; no scents; no shoes except as needed for  medical reasons) 


6. Ecstatic Dance is held free of social distractions (no conversations, no  cell phones, no photography, no videos)


7. Ecstatic Dance seeks to support a culture of consent and respect. 

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